How to get Sundown Music Festival tickets

By ticketcrusader On
Music Festival, Sundown Music Festival, Ticket Buying Tips

Sundown Music festival takes place in Huntington Beach, California where sunny skies and sandy beaches meet the ocean and create an epic scene for this summer music festival. Boasting as the Ultimate Beach Party and music festival, Sundown offers the experience of a music festival right on the sands of a Californian beach, who wouldn’t want to be part of that? With all the fun this festival has to offer we expect you’ll want to know how to get tickets, well hang around because we’re going to help you.

Step One

The first thing you always have to do it find out when tickets go on sale, you can’t go about getting tickets without knowing that. Sundown has this handy mailing list that can help you out with that. Of course, the only way to sign up for that is to go on their site and contact them directly asking to be put on the mailing list and select that little check box that everyone un-checks that says “I’d like to receive email promotions and upcoming news etc etc”. Sure, you could just follow them on Facebook and Twitter, but if you want all the details then you just have to keep that box clicked.

Step Two

If you subscribed to the mailing list then you should look out for any possible presales before the actual onsale date. If there are some you will get that presale password sometime before the presale happens. If not, then you should start keeping an eye out for an onsale date.

Step Three

If you’ve been to Sundown before then you probably have an account created, if you haven’t been before then you might want to think about creating one. This can make the checkout process easier this time and next time around.

Step Four

It’s the day tickets go on sale, what do you do? Get to Sundown’s website early. Then refresh your browser when it’s time and get yourself some tickets. You can choose between General Admission tickets or VIP Admission tickets. Once you’ve bought those you can start planning for your trip to the festival and rest easy!

We know that going to a festival is a big commitment so if you have any questions at all about this festival sent us an email at [email protected] and we can help you out.

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